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By entering your name and information above and clicking the Submit button, you are consenting to receive calls or emails regarding your Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, and Prescription Drug Plan options (at any phone number or email address you provide) from a USA Medicare, LLC representative or one of our licensed insurance agents, and you agree such calls may use an automatic telephone dialing system or an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver messages even if you are on a government do-not-call registry. This agreement is not a condition of enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?

Our services are absolutely no cost to you.

What type of insurance is right for me?

That depends on your situation, the lifestyle you live, and any family members you need to cover. We will cover this during our one-on-one consultation.

Can you help me enroll in Medicare?

Yes! We’ve helped dozens of clients enroll in Medicare and—should you need additional coverage—we can run through a few options.

How do you determine if I should change my coverage?

Based on our initial needs assessment, we will help you determine if you need additional coverage or if another plan would better serve your needs. If your existing coverage works for your situation, we will recommend that you keep your current insurance plan.

Which carriers do you work with?

We’re a multi-carrier agency and are contracted to sell insurance with Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, and Humana.